Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Oman MOH Ayurveda Exam Question paper - Feb 2013

These are the questions which I faced for my MOH Exam in Oman. I just reproduced them from my memory. Those which I was not able to recall are marked with “?”. This is only for the purpose of information and no responsibilities are undertaken by me on any account.

Oman - MOH Ayurveda Exam Question Paper
03 February 2013, Sunday
Total: 100marks          Time: 2hrs
Multiple choice questions:    (Each question carries 5 marks)
Write T for True and F for False

T or F
1.      Thaleesapatradi choorna is indicated in the chapter

a.       Kasa

b.      Swasa

c.       Rajayakshma

d.      Udara

e.       Grahani

2.      Snana is contraindicated in

a.       Atisara

b.      Kushta

c.       Rajayakshma

d.      Prameha

e.       ?

3.      Asana indicated in Tamakaswasa

a.       Swasthikasana

b.      Vajrasana

c.       Suptavajrasana

d.      Savasana

4.      The qualities of doing yoga

a.       Dhairya

b.      Sahasa

c.       Lomanashtatha

d.      Brahmacharya

e.       Soucha (?)

5.      Nidana (causes?) of rajayakshma

a.       ?

b.      ?

c.       ?

d.      ?

e.       Suklakshaya

6.      Cow’s milk is

a.       Rasayana

b.      Medhya

c.       Pithavardhana

d.      Vatavardhana

e.       Medhya and Rasayana

7.      Premature graying of hair is seen in which prakruthi

a.       Vata

b.      Pitha

c.       Kapha

d.      Vatakapha

e.       Pithakapha (Kaphapitha?)

8.      Virechana means

a.       Oordwabhaga dhoshanirharanam

b.      Adhobhaga dhoshanirharanam

c.       Both Oordhwadhobhaga dhoshanirharanam

d.      None of these

e.       Only Adhobhaga dhoshanirharanam

9.      ??

10.  ??

Write short notes on:            (Each question carries 10 marks)
01.  Nasya and its types
02.  Poorvakarma of Vamana
03.  Panchakarma chikitsa
04.  Sandhivata chikitsa
05.  Types of dhatus and its functions

**        **        **

1 comment:

Hashim said...
